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Introducing CrispIndy 1.0 🎉

CrispIndy 1.0 is here with new features, bug fixes and improvements!

Posted 30 Jul 2022

What's new in CrispIndy 1.0?

We're excited to announce CrispIndy 1.0! CrispIndy 1.0 is here with many new featues, bug fixes and improvements! The new features are listed below:

  • Feature
  • Feature
  • Feature
  • Feature
  • Bug fixes

    We've looked the whole CrispIndy language again, and these issues were found and are fixed:

  • Fixed issue not compiling code properly
  • Fixed variables are not saving data once created
  • Fixed issue
  • Fixed issue
  • Fixed issue
  • Download CrispIndy 1.0

    CrispIndy 1.0 is with many new features and improvements. You can always download CrispIndy for your preferred Operating system. The downloads are listed below:

    Operating System Description Download
    Windows x64 For Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Download
    Windows x86 For Microsoft Windows (32-bit) Download
    MacOS For MacOS Not Available
    Linux For Linux Not Available